The Current Issue which is rise again.

The situation is similarity to the case on 1998. The lack of evidence,the characteristic of the police,the emotion of the supporters itself. All of that has presented the culture of Malaysia. We often look up the case that has been highlighted as high profile case, but we did not realize we had often over look the more important (live and dead) issue which about torture to Islam. The torture of Islam is more important than other issues, the current situation shows that Islam is the enemy to the Western. As such example how they settle the issue of caricature of Rasulullah saw, they seemly said that was a Human Right. The idea is simple, they always be the right person to do anything even though the thing crucially harm other peoples.

Again, the worse parts when the participation from Muslim leaders to join the group of crazy people like Bush and Tony Blair. They felt soooooo proud whenever the President of US said the policy they did in their country was marvelous or great. We should not be trick with their bad intention, they just do something that could give them benefits. They will not do something that to suffer a lost.

Only the Caliphate state can bring prosperity to the world nor the other ideology which are capitalisme or sosialisme. We believe only Islam can give us the best condition in life.Ameen.....

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