It always like that,whenever the program is favor by the government surely it will be protected like hell by the authority. By when it comes Muslim organized it, a lot of trouble will be create by the authority,even 1 months before the program...huh..this all about the ideology their obey which is capitalism. The main objective for them is to stop Islam form growing strong and be implemented as system of life. Therefore all the events that take other that Islam ideology as their principle, surely easily licensed the permit.

We as a Ummah has to think differently what really happen right now. As example why the government allow it? why not all Muslim in this country bother to the program? why can't the institution used to stop it? all these question should be answer with the clear knowledge and be able to figure it based on Al-Quran and As-Sunnah.

Government allows it??

  • it not obvious the government or the authority allow it,as we watch it the television,radio, paper,all the higher level person said they (the council bar members) advisable should not proceed with the program. I repeat again,they advisable should not proceed,it doesn't meant authority will stop it but just advise them.
  • 2nd point, how this forum will effected the government,and how it would effected the multi races ethnic in this country. If their defend Islam, and said Islam strongly forbidden the Muslim to convert to other religion and will hudud them if not returned to Islam. The popularity of the authority will be decreased and the sentiment will be used by other parties by saying that gov is anti-races,then it will be worse for the authority.
Why not all umat Islam in this country bother with this forum??

  • The population of Islam around 60.4% of 27,496,000 the total of umat Islam is 16,607,584 as I estimated from the figure given in the, it may have some changes or updates. Where all the 16M umat Islam in Malaysia, only 5000k is reported joining the protester in front of the forum being held. 5000k is not event reach quarter of umat Islam in this country, but people will counter me by said, it was a total of teenager, youngster and old man, thus not all of these generation be able to join that protester.
  • You all right, the action that have be taken by the NGO total good and I'm personally will support it. But the same time, we have to spread Islam ideology to the ummah who do not attend that activity. We have to spread Islam ideology to ummah, by reveal to them the true of Islam. Counter the Western Ideology by telling them the true about it, because a lot of ummah right now confuse with Islam.
  • The true about Freedom of Speech,Freedom of Ownership, Freedom of religion, Freedom of individual (act). All sort of ideas are totally rubbish, Western only want to make us (ummah) being manipulate by them, thus the only way they can control us is using ideas that we accepted in our daily life.
Why can't the institution used to stop it?

  • we may find the answer by surfing to, as cited there, Malaya has been endorsed it independence by United Kingdom (British). If we are able to know the exact story behind Malaya, how she get her freedom, you will know how tricky it is.I put some video for all surfers.

Last but not least, i totally support to the people who cares about Islam by attended the protest. Your willingness and effortless to support Islam will be berkat by Allah swt, and Insyallah one day Islam will rise again like Daulah Islamiyyah in Medina during Rasullah Saw time. In not possible if all ummah Islam work hard to spread Islam ideology and as much as they can to promote (dakwah) Islam to as many contact they can.

Insyallah one day KHILAFAH will rise...Ameeeeeeennn..allahuakbar !!

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